The company produces, sells, and resells high-end cigars, cigarillos and their respective accessories

Established in 2022, the name Room 70 is derived from the 70/70 cigar humidor rule that helps cigars and their aromas stay in prime condition: 70 degrees Fahrenheit with 70% relative humidity. Room 70 was founded in the heart of the cedars’ land by a group of cigar lovers who are on the constant lookout to discover hidden tobacco treasures including fields, fabricas, and blenders in the “New World Cigar” countries. 

They believe that the time has come to explore and expose the newest cigar aromas that have not yet been discovered and represent them on an international level to accommodate the many distinct tastes that cigar lovers crave.

In addition to sourcing premium cigar brands from key distributors, Room 70 partners with exclusive international dealers to source rare and unique cigars from all corners of the world; especially the Latin Americas. Thus, all cigar brands are of premium quality with smooth balanced flavors and aromas.

Room 70 presents an extensive collection of cigar accessories such as humidors, lighters, cutters, ashtrays, travel cases, and more. Room 70 has already set plans to go international and distribute/market New World Cigars in a number of untapped markets. Room 70 will introduce customers to New World Cigars by hosting cigar-tasting events and educational sessions explaining more about cigars, their origin, and aromas.

Customers will get to know that New World Cigars in general, Room 70 Cigars in specific, are sourced from exclusive international dealers and ultimately are premium, rare, and unique cigars from all corners of the world. 

Room 70 is officially licensed in multiple countries to successfully export cigars from Nicaragua, Dominican Republic, Honduras, and Peru.

The Plant of Tobacco converts thoughts into dreams

Crafted from several farmers, blenders, and rollers, Room 70 offers a satisfying range of complex flavored cigars and cigarillos delivered in a smooth, balanced fashion. The blend using different techniques can create quite a bouquet of flavors and using tobacco from countries which have very different soil and climates creates a greater portfolio of tastes to choose from when creating exciting new blends.

We present you with the next generation of cigars and offer you the opportunity to immerse yourself in this harmonious experience filled with tobacco tradition and expertise.